Tekirdag Municipal Building




Architectural Design
Competition Entry
Tekirdag Turkey

Farzad Golghasemi
İbrahim Yavuz
Jülide Arzu Uluçay
Murat Aydınoğlu
Şafak Sakçak
Damle Ece Erdem

Our proposal for Tekirdag municipality building and more importantly for its surroundings and open spaces is based on the idea which we called it ‘kent ızgarası’ (urban grid). Thanks to its nature the urban grid enables the built environment and urban squares to be free of time-dependent boundaries creating a sustainable urban design process. Looking closer to the building itself, it can be said that it is oriented according to the axes coming from the urban square and has linear structure enabling its open and semi-open spaces to interact easily. While the higher office building has its façade generated by the grid system creating terraces and open spaces, the more public buildings such as auditorium and workshops render a lower height interacting with their courtyards which are adjacent to the square.

Indicative vectorial elements such as vehicular and pedestrian movement
Indicative vectorial axes
Fragmentization of the volume based on pedestrian access and the urban grid
Definition of semi-open spaces as part of the design approach