Atakule High-rise Hybrid



Studio Project
25000 m²
Ankara Turkey
Architectural Design V
Fall 2013


In this project the design task was to develop a hybrid complex comprising of residential, cultural, commercial uses as well as interaction spaces, outdoor spaces, services and parking. In order to have a complex that addresses the multiple issues raised by hybridization as well as activating space with quotidian public-life and (un)organized events, the design offers a porous street level interoperating with a rised tower base in order to retrack the adjacent public greens in different levels.

Atakule tower with its demolished shopping mall
  Public space vs open space

Adjacent Portakal Cicegi and the botanic park
  Integrating landscape with building to provide continuity

Surrounding’s business/commercial context
  Offering offices and/or an local-commercial activities

Spatial movement of pedestrian and vehicles plus lack of transparency and porosity according to building blocks
  Bringing porosity for the hybrid building in all spatial dimensions, considering environmental issues, to provide spatial accessibility in lower levels, experimental phenomena, and visual transparency/perception

Street-level Plan
Sub-level Plan
Program and the section