Fethiye Nursing & Rehab. Center




Architectural Design
Competition Entry
2000 m²
Fethiye Turkey

Farzad Golghasemi
Jülide Arzu Uluçay
Murat Aydınoğlu

Our proposal for the nursing and rehabilitation center highly depends on its urban context. In this manner the height of the surrounding buildings and their morphology, the area’s density and proximity of the sea lead us to propose an architectural design rendering a four story building with hipped roof composed of local materials such as wood and bricks. Other than cited concerns, the major design action is to split the building volume in order to differentiate between housing part and rehabilitation center which covers other functions such as administrative units and social activities. This splitting creates terraces and open spaces which is a crucial need for the users supported by the earlier cited concerns of us which is lack of open and green spaces in the neighborhood.

1 setting required building volume
2 proposing roof morphology inspired by local architecture
3 setting required building volumSplitting the tectonics to differentiate between habitation and other functions as well as creating open spacese
4 final design