Caycuma Swimming Center




Architectural Design
Competition Entry
2000 m²
Çaycuma Turkey

Aslı Alp
Farzad Golghasemi
Jülide Arzu Uluçay
Murat Aydınoğlu
Olsi Kafeja

The design proposal for the sports center aims to be the starting point of the social production movement by means of its transparent relationships. With its programs like swimming pool, administrative units and services it does not like to be trapped inside its crust. It tries to amplify the relationship between the city and the river by taking people to its sightseeing platform from the west and to the café from the west. While connecting the running water and the city on its southern façade, it defines the main entrance on the alley attached to it, rendering a controlled entrance even during day’s most crowded hours. However, on northern façade having the parking located which means minimum crowd, our proposal involves the swimming pool proving optimum privacy.

1 defining the building voulume and green space
2 defining the relationship between open, semi-open and closed spaces
3 generation of the urban promenade
4 formation of the vista platform
5 generation of the urban canopy
6 final design